Student Loan Committee

                                   Property Committee

This committee meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The committee
maintains the building (re: lighting, painting, heat, etc.) and surrounding grounds
(mulching, landscaping, trimming, etc.). The Property Committee also oversees the
Church Sexton and the Pavilion Sexton.Type your paragraph here.

                                        Finance Committee

The committee meets the 4th Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. This committee
oversees the church finances, investments and trust accounts. They oversee the
Treasurer's activities. The committee gathers the budget information from all the other
church committees, compiles the information and presents the budget to the Council for
approval to present to the congregation at the annual church meeting in November. The
committee also helps conduct the annual audit of the accounts.

                                   Church Council

President - Brian Staller
Vice President - Marlene Troxell
Secretary - Rebecca Mairose

Treasurer- Eva Waldman

Financial Secretary- Linda Angstadt
Pastor - Rev. Marie Meeks, Pastor
Members: Debbie Hummel

                   Wendy Welsh

                   Jennie Raudenbush

                   Reba Llewellyn

                   Jeff Freeman

The Council meets the First Wednesday of each month at 7 :00 p.m. Each member of the Council belongs to a church committee. This allows the Council to be kept informed of activities and expenses for the church programs. Some of the other responsibilities of the Council members include Council Greeter, Communion Assistant and counting the Sunday offerings. There is a rotating .roster for each of these responsibilities..

1185 Summer Hill Road
Auburn, PA 17922


Evangelism Committee meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 1:00PM.  Our functions include advertising and mailings to our church family as well as people who live in the surrounding areas informing them of worship times and any other events that they may like to attend.  We provide welcome packets to our visitors and follow with a thank you and invitations to come back again.  We are responsible for special mailings to our membership at Christmas and Easter.  Our committee is also ready and available to assist in church dinners, lunches, breakfasts and snacks on specific occasions. Our members are very dedicated and committed to spread God’s Word. 

                                  Stewardship Committee

Committee Members:
Jeffrey Freeman
Helen Miller
Michael Troxell
Marlene Troxell

Meeting Night:

We meet on the second Monday of the month at 7:00 pm. We are always in need of new faces on our committee with new ideas.


Consecration/Reformation Sunday: We make a “made to order” breakfast for our members after each service on the Sunday we celebrate Reformation Sunday in October.

                                                                                  Time and Talent Drawing:

After the Congregational Meeting in November we will have a drawing for prizes just for signing up on your Time and Talent Form to share your Time and Talents in serving our Church. This form will be handed out with our bulletins during the month of October and is also on our Website.